Born out of a passion to see God’s Word shared with as many people as possible,
The Word For You Today was first published in the U.S. in the summer of 1998. At that time, the thought of printing 3,000 copies of our quarterly devotional seemed like a very large number. But God had bigger plans. He continued to bless our work, and that number quickly grew to over 100,000 copies, which were distributed to churches and organizations.
Today, almost 20 years later, 4,000,000 copies of The Word For You Today are published annually in the U.S., and over 18,000,000 around the world, in more than 20 languages.
It is the most widely distributed and quickly growing devotional in the U.S., with individuals, businesses, and more than 5,000 churches choosing The Word For You Today to engage with God’s Word on a daily basis.
In addition to the U.K., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Africa, the devotional is also printed and distributed in a growing number of South American countries. And in recent months, God has opened the door for us to take The Word For You Today to countries that are not known to be as eager to embrace His Word, like Cuba, Russia, and even China.
The Word For You Today is also being broadcast on television in the U.K. and Africa – and soon will be aired in New Zealand, South America, and Russia.
Nothing can impact the hearts and lives of people like the Word of God…to bring hope, direction, and purpose. And it is our desire to share it through every available channel.